RAVEL – Introduction and Allegro

RAVEL – Introduction and Allegro
What is new and unique in this edition?
There are fingerings and solutions to difficult passages by Henriette Renie, Marcel Grandjany, Pierre Jamet, David Watkins, and Phia Berghout.
Grandjany performed the piece under Ravel's direction. All of Grandjany's metronome markings for the many tempo changes are included.
There is a cadenza insert by Grandjany, which was sanctioned by Ravel.
All of the pedal changes are included, in large easy-to-read type.
There are pedal diagrams throughout, making practice and rehearsal much easier.
There is a Preface that covers the early history of the piece, performance considerations, and advice on playing the glissandi.
There is a list of corrections for each of the instruments, so that everyone will, for the first time, be looking at the same musical information.
There are footnotes and a glossary that translates all of the French terms.
This is the first new engraving of the piece since it was composed in 1906, and it is finally engraved the way it is actually played.
Digital downloads are available from the Carl Fischer Music site.
“I think your forensic approach to your research (on the Introduction and Allegro) is illuminating and miraculous! It will be the only edition for years to come and probably forever (you can quote me!)
“I just wanted to send you a note of thanks for your new Ravel edition. It is beautifully done, extremely clear and I appreciate the details and background information you provide for edits and additions. Thanks for all your hard work!
“I wanted to let you know that on Saturday, June 22, I played the Ravel Introduction and Allegro using your edition of the piece in a masterclass with Elizabeth Remy Johnson at AHS. Your edition was extremely helpful to me for learning this piece when my youth orchestra conductor told me in March we were to perform this piece at our final concert in May. Thank you so much for writing an edition with clear pedals and notes! I did not have to rewrite any pedals. It wasn’t hard to adjust to seeing them printed.”
“It is wonderful work you are doing, revisiting and publishing all these wonderful works.”